Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Knocked Up

My wife and I got a chance to see this one on Friday night. The movie is quick, funny, and the same brand of comedy one would expect from the 40 Year Old Virgin crew. Definitely worth the price of admission, but if you are recently married or engaged, learn from my mistakes, see it with male friends.

My lack of foresight sometimes astounds me. The title says it all, and yet I found myself face to face with a biological clock that managed to surprise me. Guys know not to bring some dates to weddings because of the inevitable uncomfortable conversation. Yet, almost a year after getting married, I failed to anticipate the obvious. It's a wonder I can dress myself. Christ, not seeing the consequences of a movie like this is being surprised by gravity.

So, with that warning out of the way, check this one out. It's a good escape from the Curse of the Third Installment that is so common this year. As for myself, I have to start learning to fake it. Excuse me.


Blogger HungryChic said...

Wait a minute here. Once again you are not Mr. Innocent. I do recall (accurately, of course) being surprised at your enthusiasm for seeing this movie and telling you I was surprised given baby discussions of the last few weeks. Don't worry I won't make you read the Spock books. Time to go teach you how to fake it ;) On this weekend's Netflix queue: Look Who's Talking.

1:29 PM  

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