Monday, March 19, 2007

Hillary unhinged, or is the base this dumb?

Oh my sweet Christ...the woman who said this could actually win.

"I turn off a light and say, ‘Take that, Iran ,‘ and "Take that, Venezuela.‘ We should not be sending our money to people who are not going to support our values," she said. she totally full of it, does she do this, or is the dem base so vapid that she thought that they would eat this up? As for myself, I buy electricity from a local concern which employs local people, and uses nuclear power. Many other firms use various forms of coal, wind power, and other domestic forms of production.

She does know that not all energy comes from dictatorial regimes, right? It's a little thing, but it's one little thing in a mountain of crap that infuriates me about this woman. The other recent bit had to be her reaction on the firing of 8 U.S. Attorneys.

Everyone in that post, say it with me, "...serves at the pleasure of the President." So yes, politics quite often plays a role, whether it is a senator writing a letter about a local choice for the job, or to carp about one they don't like.

Hillary seems to forget that her husband fired and replaced ALL 93 of them. Well, that's not fair, she did say that every president does's just cleaning house. But wait, no other president has done that. You don't suppose she knows that? Could she just be a bitter, lying, partisan hack who, like Eva Peron without the looks, is famous because she bedded the right guy?

Sigh. I'll rant more and with a more objective eye later, and for the record, I have a knee jerk, borderline pathological disklike for her. I'll try to be fair, but I promise nothing.


Blogger HungryChic said...

A more fitting quote would have been, "I ride my bike and say..." Then again her cankles would hit the chain.

1:06 PM  
Blogger PKav said...

There is a great line in V for Vendetta that goes something like this; "Artists and writers use lies to tell the truth. Politicians use them to cover the truth."

I expect duplicity at best from elected leaders, regardless of their party affiliation. Sadly, the best I can do is try to determine which bastard is going to screw me over less.

It is more and more frightening that we still have the best system in the world, despite ourserves.

7:03 PM  

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