Saturday, March 03, 2007

WoW PvP Goodness

I had a great couple of hours on Warcraft this afternoon. A bunch of players from the Alliance side (Humans, Night Elves, Dwarves, Dranei, and Gnomes) raided a Horde (Orcs, Trolls, Undead, Tauren and Blood Elves) town. Game on...begin mass chaos as armies of about 50 players per side squared off in a long give and take.

Fortunately, PVP (player vs player) is one of the things that the class I play is great at. Not so much because of any one thing, it is because Warlocks can do so many little things. One of my favorite weapons is using attacks that do damage over time (DoTs), because then I can hang back, and make several targets miserable at the same time, making life easier for the melee types up front. In doing so, I apparently got some attention after the same people had to do corpse runs a few times at my hands.

Fast forward a bit, both sides are beginning tactical retreats. 3 players a couple levels below me decide to take their best shot. I lay down multiple DoT spells, and weather the storm the best I can...but numbers were on their side. Down I go. Then came the smack talking in the form of emotes. One celebrant danced on my body, pointed and laughed. I was going to let well enough alone. Really. Everyone takes a beating once in a while. And I had wreaked no small amount of havoc before I went down, no shame in it. But some brokeback looking Night Elf dancing over my valorous fallen form...

Remember when I said that Warlocks can do a lot of little things? One swell little gimmick is called a Soul Stone. This little orb allows a lock to store someones soul, which allows them to come back from death, with a fair amount of hit points/mana left. I had just happened to store my soul before the fight.

I do regret that I couldn't see the look on the dancer's face when I popped up and killed him and his friends, all of whom were 3/4 dead from the first round with me. I pointed, LOLd, and busted out a little move myself. Once again, all I ever needed to learn, I learned from Spaceballs. Evil will always win, because good is dumb.


Blogger HungryChic said...

I never thought my husband saying to me, "I have 151 kills today!" would be a good thing. WoW has wonderful audio, when that helpful soul stone expires it notifies you in a scary Candyman voice. Where's my shirt... Online Gaming Widow?

12:25 AM  

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