Sunday, January 27, 2008

Time to Just Shut it, Bill

This is linked to the New Republic's blog, a link I saw courtesy of Instapundit. Bill has crossed every line of decorum that has ever been for ex presidents, and is now officially playing with fire.

The man has never done or said anything accidentally. Pointing out that Jesse Jackson won South Carolina twice is either;

1-A shot at Jackson for endorsing Obama.
2-A move to more fully ID Obama as the "black" candidate, not a uniter.
3-A subtle play to undermine his wife's campaign.

I'm not smart enough to figure out the motivation, but it was a dick move. I can't decide if he wants to derail her campaign, or if getting an incredibly unlikable woman with colossal unfavorables in the polls elected is his next Mt. Everest.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cowboys in the Playoffs

Oh, wait, nevermind...they haven't won a playoff game in ten years. My bad. All you Romosexuals can toss my salad.

Fighting for Free Speech in Canada

This story has made its rounds on the net, but this gentleman should be heard by anyone who has ever cringed at political correctness. The short version of the story is as follows.

Ezra Levant was one of the few in the western world to publish the now infamous Mohammed cartoons. An imam decided that his human rights were violated by this printing, and filed a claim with the Alberta Human Rights Commission. This body compelled Ezra to testify, and the videos of the proceedings made me want to stand up and cheer.

Heh. Ha. WhooHoo! Bwahahaha!

This is just funny. Celebrity opinions on politics should be ignored or mocked, but somehow, I'm ok with this.

Simple Trends

Ireland is in the midst of a fiscal renaissance, and it started with doing what with taxes?

There is a little thing that every retailer is able to comprehend, and it so often escapes government types. If you lower your prices a bit, you will end up making more money in increased volume of activity. That's why stores have sales.

Every time taxes are lowered, economic activity picks up. It becomes more attractive, more profitable, to move capital into play where the ROI is greater. Unfortunately, our government has a history of spending like drunken sailors, so the increased revenue is quickly pissed away.

Maybe this model will be noticed by France and other tax first, wonder why there aren't any jobs later crowd.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Format Wars

Warner Brothers has opted for BluRay, the Sony HD format for its products. With the 800 pound gorilla on Sony's side, the format war is all but over. I'd look for PS3 sales to go up sharply.

Great game system, BluRay player, fully networkable to download firmware updates? Yes please.

Combine this news with the recent price drop of the PS3, and some execs at Sony are probably sleeping much better.

Movies subject to campaign finance laws?

Linked here is an odd story. Bushwhacked, and Michael Moore's F9-11 were both very political, and strong works against a particular candidate.

Orwell was right, some animals are more equal than others.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy Birthday

Today is my brother's birthday, and as I marvel at how quickly so many years have gotten by us, I realize how fortunate I am. My brother is one of the great ones, and I count myself as blessed to know him.

It is a rare individual who completely defies labels. Serious with the capacity for silliness, a jock and yet a geek (I'm a geek too, that is said with love), a cynic who can still be caught up in wide-eyed wonder.

There is so much more to say, but I'll keep it simple.
Happy birthday, Chris.