Saturday, July 25, 2009

'Splain Something for Me

The president, master politician that he is, has recognized the pushback against his health care reform ideas. He has tactfully pulled back from the current incarnation that would cost over a trillion dollars. The position of the moment is that any bill he signs must be revenue neutral.

It seems to me that if you advocate massive reform because the cost of health care is out of control and causing huge deficits, then say that you would sign something that is revenue neutral, you don't really care about the cost. Now, if cost is no longer important, why in the world would one continue to pursue it? Just because you can?

"I'm from the government, and I am here to help you" should send off the same warning signals as "the check is in the mail", "I've never done this before", and "it's only a cold sore". The government already is deeply involved in health care in this country. Fix the VA hospital system. Fix Medicaid and Medicare.

Medicaid at it's peak was only supposed to cost a billion dollars a year. We've passed that by just a bit. It is not the Presdient's fault that the government is awful at best when it comes to estimating costs. That said, given his intellectual gifts, it would be nice if he recognized it.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Keyser Soze, Family Style

It's taken a bit of time to put my thoughts together on this, but here it goes. Bear in mind this is more of stream of consciousness thing than my general posts. Instead of applying acerbic wit and a mean streak without, I'm directing it within. Not an uncommon exercise, I'm just not normally typing while I do it.

A couple of weeks ago, one of my brothers graduated from college. Family came from far and wide to celebrate the event. During the course of the party, I was reminded several times of a very unfortunate truth. I have no idea who many of the people at that party were.

I spent many younger years well convinced that my stepmother hated me. I was completely unable to reconcile the short temper and ability to scream bloody murder at the drop of a hat as anything other than my fault. Through another bad relationship, I was not unfamiliar with taking a beating.

It's a little clearer now, or perhaps I am rationalizing, but at any gathering as I was growing up, I'd seek out a familiar face or two. Failing that, I would avoid contact as much as possible, thereby minimizing how much could go wrong.

As I got older, I had a part-time job, and I'd schedule work weekends religiously, studiously avoiding conflict. Having 350 degree oil wash over my hands seemed a better deal in my mid-teens.

After moving from my father's house to my car, it was very easy to shut down. I had no contact at all with my father's side of the family for several years. Over time of course, everyone got older, had children, some people's children had children. Life goes on, times changes people..hearts harden.

If, at either my wedding reception, or at this graduation party, someone were to put a gun to my head and force me to identify many of the guests, I wouldn't be here right now. I cannot begin to describe the awkwardness of feigning reactions at these things. At this point, asking someone who they are and what their connection to you is is an impossibility.

One of my favorites..."Oh my God, so and so is pregnant!" It's a challenge to mirror the projected happiness or shock when one is really thinking...WTF? Who the hell is so and so?

Ah, to hell with it. Suffice it to say that if I looked at you like I wasn't sure who you were, yeah, I didn't. I feel badly about it, but I'm tired of pretending.

Monday, July 06, 2009

The Unitary Executive, New and Improved!

I have been trying mightily to go easy when criticizing the new administration. The world economy is a mess, there are military commitments to honor, and of course, the herculean task of being the leader of the free world.

Unlike my friends who dwell to the left of center, I will always try to be specific, pointed, and fair in my criticisms. With that in mind, I will deal only with the specific linked article.

I am painfully aware that almost no one cares about the US Constitution without Bush in office. Last year, there was a resurgence in civil libertarianism that was impressive as it was short-lived and disingenuous. So, please peruse the article linked and you will see my problem.

Without senate ratification, a treaty does not exist. No president has the right to enforce a deal he or she brokers with another country without it. The president was a senator, and he taught constitutional law, I'm reasonably sure this isn't news.

I guess I'll finish with this. Mr. President, with all due respect, the man who wrote The Audacity of Hope would kick your ass in a debate.